The journey of finding our way. I want to settle into the natural rhythm of what is and what remains to be seen.
Max Borders introduced me to the eight stages of the spiral of human development. It shows the relationship with various factors in our culture and the complexities in our lives.
Beige: Order of the Naked: Survival, Sensation, and Self-Concept
Purple: Order of the Moon: Clan, Ancestors, and Nature
Red: Order of the Fist: Courage, Honor, and Egoism
Bue: Order of the Pyramid: God, Morality, and Authority
Orange: Order of the Sun: Science, Commerce, and Reason
Green: Order of the Leaf: Environment, Consensus, and Equality
Yellow: Order of the Nautilus: Integration, Emergence, and Complexity
Turquoise: Order of the Lotus: Holism, Paradox, and Ineffability
These insights and values bring clarity as I am pondering human nature.
As I am finding my way, courage is my compass as I take a long, slow deep breath and go within.
In light,